Interesting Containers for Humdrum Things….and Winner Announced!

Morning everyone!

Another fabulous Californian day and a picture taken on a lovely walk up in Tilden Park.  I tell you, those live oaks are something else…

And so the sun is out, the breeze is light, the washing machine is whirring – the perfect time to announce the winner of Green Plum Design’s First Giveaway.

The winner is Denise from sunny California!  Yes, you were picked randomly out of my best straw hat.  Congratulations, I will get your wooden foldaway clothes drying rack straight off to you and would love to see pictures of how it works out.

Your comments made me realize that there are so many wonderful things that go hand in hand with hanging out your washing…and that most of all…most of the time… it can be a real meditative and relaxing pleasure…

Thank you too for all your emails and comments about the big glass jar I use for my washing powder!

Since you liked it so much, I thought I would continue that theme and do a little blog on interesting containers for everyday run-of-the-mill things…

You know…like your toothbrush…

My theory is if you giving a boring thing an interesting container, it just doesn’t seem so boring any more…so why not put your toothbrushes into a Royal Wedding Commemorative mug?

Or take some tools, string and paperclips…you can’t get more boring than paperclips…

And put them in some old Bonne Maman jars…you see, things start to look up…

(By the by, I have pierced many a hole in the top of one of those lovely jars and put in some green garden string…and hey presto!  The perfect present for you gardening friends…)

And of course in the kitchen, you can go nuts with interesting containers…

I just love these glass jars with their air tight lids…and to see all the little grains and lentils packed together behind glass…

And then there are odd bod ceramic pots for wooden spoons, kitchen spatulas and ladles…

And don’t forget the tea bags…

In my office, I have so much sewing paraphernalia, I have had to stretch my invention a little…

Yes, I have used an over-sized wine glass for the threads I use the most…I just love the way they look all piled together.

And as for piling things together, how about your loo rolls in a big old wicker basket…?

You can sit with confidence…knowing that you won’t run out…!

And what about using a vintage tin collection for odd bits of stationery…labels, stickers etc

I saved a favorite tin for my button collection.

And those little beauties are not boring at all.

So this is just to say, why not put the things that you use the most into something beautiful?  It will add a little sparkle to your day.

So now I want to hear what every day things you have stored away in an interesting container – come on, surprise me…

That’s it for now.

See you soon,

Best wishes,


ps And welcome to all those people from the lovely Beach Cottage

pps  If you would like to receive an email notification for when a new blog comes out, just send me your email to .  Welcome to all those new people I have added to the list!

About Ros

My name is Ros Wyatt and I live across the bay from San Francisco. I moved here from England fifteen years ago with my husband, two children and a dog. Since then I have had added one more child to the line up and work as a painting contractor, color consultant, blogger, and screen printer.
This entry was posted in Cleaning up, Containers, De-cluttering, Green Plum Design, Inspiration, Interior design, Line Dried Washing, Organizing and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Interesting Containers for Humdrum Things….and Winner Announced!

  1. sooze says:

    love all those containers but my wineglasses only hold a couple of reels at most!
    Keep up all the good work though. Your home looks amazing!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks! I think actually that it’s a brandy glass or something for ice cream sundaes! No one has a wine glass that big!

  3. Love your toothbrush container and that wicker basket for loo rolls is fab! Thanks for adding your link to Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays 🙂

  4. admin says:

    Thanks Sarah – good way to perk up my bathroom!

  5. Rob says:

    Hello there, thankyou for visiting my blog, via Sarah’s. I just love your photos…you’ve got some great ideas there. I especially love the large wine glass with the spools of thread in it…the colours are great. I’m off to read more of your posts! Robx

  6. Sara says:

    Dear Ros Your site is a pleasure to peruse—as much for your fine sense of still life photography of the domestic things that we live with as it is for the things themselves. (Such glowingly clean glass containers. What is your detergent?)

    Does the sea-tossed green glass and china piece in the Blog photograph come from the Berkeley Beach? I have an entire stand-up office file-cabinet (not from Office Depot but the local Office furniture store (second hand) on Heinz St. You know the one. I have begun to make mosaic stones with some of what I have collected.

    Our house is the grey house/yellow trim with the new green fence on 7th St. We received your good note and as I promised—-I turned to your web and blog.

    Best, Sara

  7. admin says:

    Thanks so much Sara – not sure quite how clean those glass containers actually are! As for the sea glass, I got it all from a beach in Cornwall – a very special place called Polruan. Glad you got my note – we should talk! I love the look of your house.

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